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  • Writer's pictureSean Dollwet


The digital age has come with a wave of transformation for every industry and job imaginable.

The most popular platform for authors, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), has become the apple of every writer’s eye.

However, there’s still that audience who misses the good old feeling of the physical, print book.

Enter, the Shakespearean dilemma many authors of today face, “To be or not to be?”

Or more accurately: “Should I focus on digital or print?”

Understanding Print:

Printed books offer an experience that no other type of reading material can give. For a “purist”, there’s just something intoxicating about the aroma of the inside as you open it up, the smell of the freshly printed ink, and the feel of that newly pressed paper.

Additionally, this is a huge way to reach audiences, especially for those who prefer or have limited access to digital devices.

As an author, print also gives you more control over the design and layout elements, which in turn allows for creative customization and enhances the overall reader experience.

Furthermore, the distribution options have a substantial expansion and allow your book to be available for purchase through countless online retailers and even brick-and-mortar bookstores.

The wider the distribution, the wider your book’s visibility and sales will be.

Understanding Ebook Publishing:

When it comes to accessibility, Ebooks are probably the best. Readers can carry an entire library on a single device!

We also have to address the proverbial elephant in the room: ebooks are SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper in terms of production costs when compared to traditional print mediums.

Authors also receive substantially higher royalties for each sale in the Ebook format - Amazon KDP offers over 70% more royalties than the traditional printed book!

Meaning there’s NO pesky printing or distribution expenses to worry about - which, let’s be honest, your bank account will thank you for later.

Going the digital route allows you to enhance the experience for your readers as you can incorporate features like font sizes, highlights, search functions, etc.

For this reason, Ebooks are highly appealing when it comes to reaching a custom segment of your target audience.

How to Make the Decision:

When it comes to deciding which path to choose, start by considering your target readership and their preferences.

Sometimes there are specific genres that work better for print, especially those that are more visual-heavy.

Broke and on a tight budget? Ebooks are your new best friend.

They generally require the fewest upfront costs and have a faster turnaround time, which makes them very attractive to those with limited resources and schedules.

Before deciding which of the two to pick, also consider your marketing and distribution strategy.

Royalty Hero advises that when it comes to incorporating print into your publishing business, consider it as a way to enhance and diversify your brand. Especially when it comes to wanting to expand reach, buzz, and even branch out into international waters.

Essentially it’s all about creating that beautiful symphony to woo your readers into complete and utter literary bliss.

Remember, there’s no magic formula, no one size fits all, and it is probably best to opt for both formats to hit that diversity in readerships.

Ultimately, you want to tailor your publishing strategy towards your goals both as an author and as a business.

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